OverHeard : 808's

Friday, November 28, 2008

almost 4got


i think its great

OverDue: Black Friday Sleep...Out haha

black friday...me and 4 of thee bros (tude, swaggio, chap, a-rock) figure we would camp out of "the hundreds" because at 5 o'clock they would give 50% off...and each hour it would go down 10% till it bottoms out at 10%

so i met them at thee line...and right when they got there they said they talked to thee first dude in line...

bros: "how long yuu been waitin out here?"

dude: "since 2...pm"

bros: "how much guap yuu bring?"

dude: "guap?"

bros: "money haha"

dude: "money?...i brougt cards"

...C A R D S

then they talked 2 sum more people that said that same dude buys everything in the store lol...even if its not his size...so we figured wed leave that line lol we were kinda around the corner...seemed like a burnt mission

so we went to another store...1 that i had never been at and we sat out there...4 about 5 minutes...and tempted chap 2 let that damn store go haha

so after alot of deliberation...(active store off of 3rd street...and sum other shit) we figured wed go 2 crooks and castles...so we all whip 2 crooks...and we begin our camp out...and then what?...tude leaves?!?! yes -_- lol so we r down 2 thee 4 amigos

and we r hungry...so we say we gunna go 2 7-11...but idkay where 7-11 is...
so i start my car and turn 2 follow chap and swaggz...and CHAP IS DOING 100 MILES PER HOUR IN HIS INDIANA JONES JEEP


so we got lost lol

but we found it haha

then baq 2 the line...

now the lin ewas full of the roast...hunger...anxiousness...cold..and sleep lol

we each had different shifts in teams 2 at a time...2 would b in the car sleep and 2 would b out in the cold and we would trade off each hour...me and swaggz got thee most sleep tho haha

after all that time at 8 we got in...50% off everything...it was great! haha

and thats just the beginning...cuz i juz got home at 7 haha

stay tuneddd!

OverDue...the black friday story

P.S. sorry 4 no piks...no cam -_-

OverDue: Life Update

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ummm...been chillin...gettin used 2 my g1...

That's a pic of me sittin in the doctors office 4 my mom...idkay what she went 4...but I had 2 drive her...

Ummm...my cuzzo came home from school yesterday...n I came 2 see her...n me n my cuzzoz went 2 c role models...

Role Modelz...its okay...nutin special...funny...sorta...

Actually don't take my word 4 it...I had 2 sit in the very front row..-_-...and I had these yung black gurlz behind me blowin stuff out of preportion lol...they were repeatin everything funny...makin it not funny haha

And also juz laughin 4 no reason...

1 of those...

Movie :"My dad wasn't there"

Gurl : hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha......hahahahaha etc.

Its like...idkay if that was a joke -_-...ROAST! Haha

Yes..I was roastin in the theatre haha

But yea...had sum wokcanos 2! Haha the best place ever...

E v e r

And I think thaz about it guyz...

Sent From My T-Mobile G1

OverDue : Life

Thursday, November 20, 2008

waz goin on world...

alot in mine...

hustle...money money moneyz what my mind on...cuz i need it...lol alotd goin on right now...classes...gas...where ima live...seems like right now my life revolves around money...reup...stretch...flip

n i juz got my phone...its the g1...n itz great! haha especially the 3g network...its sooo much better than the damn edge network...if yuu dont kno what edge is...its the network ur phone access the internet on now prolly...

but...yea...its great haha

and man do i want/need a job...so i can start doin sumptin of my own with my life...bein broke is no fun haha (truth)

and 808's and heartbreaks is great...i thought it was guunna b horribkle...but its tight...i had it since yesterday...but i se..the homie is sellin it for 3 dollars...hit me 4 more details...or wait 4 it on here...but its only 3 dollars so can yuu support! haha

and my g1 bat is about 2 die...i havent fully charged it yet...but i will try 2 post more...overheard cumin soon...lol n the fcc or whatever has been deleting my overheards lol cuz it breaks the rules...but idc!

808's n heartbreaks cumin soon 2 callmefresh...tell ur friends...haha

OverDue: Fake Friendz

Friday, November 14, 2008

Man...2days been a long 1...and its only 10:46 a.m.

But ill tell yuu that story after the reason im here...

Fake niggaz...sum niggaz yuu can go thrue it all with and they still can't b real 1nez

My mom 2day had surgery...I had 2 b up at 5 o clock 2 take her 2 the hospital and take her home...

Its 10:48 a.m. Now...and im juz gettin home...

My momz thrue...



And I had a funeral with da "homie" to go 2...1 of our friends momz passed...-_-

So I did a lot of reflection on momz...found a lot of stuff I should work on reguardin em


So da "homie" hits me up...like when we gunna leave...n im like...well...my mom juz had surgery

(note...this is a pretty major surgery...if anything went wrong she coulda been paralized)

But yea...I said well..she juz had surgery...so im prolly not gunna go...n he said "-_-"...


(Note...-_- is a plain face of disguste...lol...all bad...)

N I was like...wtf is that face 4?...my mom juz had surgery...

N yuu kno what he said...

"Wrong convo...but alright bro"

...what typa nigga...yuu "bro" mom juz had surgery...n yuu have the nerve 2 say -_-...the change it up

N O "how is she?"
N O "she okay?"
N O "yuu okay?"
N O. C O N C E R N

Sum ppl yuu gotta let go 4sho...yuu can't b friends 4 ever...but sumptimes...yuu never really where...

But my momz okay...THANK GOD...and God showed me 1 less person I need in my life...so I thank him 4 that 2...

OverDue: Usage


And just 1 more blog subject

I hate when ppl have those secret agendas...starts off

"Hey bro...I wanna role with yuu"

Then they sayin

"Hey bro...can we stop here...so I can drop this off"

. . .

N it never ends...wth man...juz ask me 2 take yuu 2 drop sum stuff off or whatever...not abusin my usage...

This is very important...
>>>(All ppl should be used...or else their useless...its other words use with prefixes like ab- that I don't like...)<<<
Now back to regularly scheduled programin

Don't think yuu have to tag along all damn day juz because yuu want sumptin dun...n how yuu get my damn number? Lol...yuu don't even have a phone hahahaha

OverDue: fun friends vs. those other guyz lol

what a night...went 2 bible study...after learnin a lot and during prayer i get a call from my mom...

s c r e a m i n

after class yuu shoulda called and asked if i could go 2 bible study so come home now


so i took a friend 2 bible study after class...so i had 2 drop him off at home...n im still pretty drunk in the spirit...but i start 2 drive...1 u-turn turns 2 4...numbers getting bigger when they should get smaller...freeway detours...gas gettind depleted...

n he says 2 me "man...where r yuu going..."...and i look and say..."i thought if i was going the wrong way yuu woulda said sumptin"...n he said "i thought yuu were takin me sumplace else..."...


why would i take yuu sumplace else when we both have to b home...NOW...but anywayz

i soon realized

...the experience of bein lost woulda been fun if it was with ppl that i got along with better lol

or interesting ppl

yuu kno...some ppl r fun...and im fun...so wen we get together we can turn a bad experience into a super funny insyder...

but some...

s o m e

will take an already ruined..and gas lost night...and turn it in2 hell...

thats how it was

and now im home at 1:31 a.m....typing about it

so hello bloggers...and goodnight world

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1 of my posts was deleted...wth?!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Share This Page With Your Friends On FaceBook By Clicking Here

OverHeard : Nov 09

Bobby Valentino - Outro - Let's Get Out of Here

OverThought: AIM Music Link

Want people to be able to see what youre playing in your status on AIM automatically?...Well ull want this...everytime yuu change the song on itunes...windows media player...or whatever yuu use...it shows the name of the song...the artist...and all that...its pretty cool...


1. Download Here
2. Close whatever program you use for music...
3. Close aim
4. Install
5. Open whatever music player you use
6. Play a song
7. Open AIM
8. Should come up and work perfectly from there

Known Issues...
sometimes after  yuu fist install it...aim might freeze...just close your music program...and aim...and open a song again...then open aim again...

if still not working...leave a comment here...n ill help

OverThought : Creature Discomfort

This challenges people to think differently about disability. The characters are based on the unscripted voices of disabled people talking about the issues that affect their lives.

OverThought: Gnarles Barkley - Mystery Man

think about it...and comment

OverThought: Obama president elect

First black president...44th president

Young Jeezy & Nas - My President...my Presidential Theme Song

OverThought :Halloween...Costume

Monday, November 3, 2008

...n yuu thought this was creepy...

...then WTH IS THIS?!?!?! lol

OverThought : what not 2 buy during a recesion

...but man is that sick or WHATTTTT!!!


wouldnt it be tight if there was a car like this?...YEA the 1 from i robot!!!

meet the audi r8 haha 108 thousand...108,000.00


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


check out this blog post...very interesting...


Those who dance are considered insane by those who cant hear the music.

                                                                                      -Gearge Carlin

profound stuff...right?

funniest thing ever lol
get out and vote!

OverThought : Backstage Karaoke

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

listen 2 when he talks about bloggers...that shits 2 funny 2

OverThought : Makin Halloween Jerk

Monday, October 27, 2008

Club Kiss
Speaker Boxx Ent/ New Era Ent/ Neckbrace City Celebs/ Night Lyfe Ent

Halloween Horror Freakfest

Friday Oct 31st, 2008

Club BlackOut
3725 Don Felipe Dr
Los Angeles CA 90008

$15 general admission
(Discounts w/ costume before 10:30)

"From The Groups Who Brought You The Sold Out Castle Events"

1000+ capacity
2 Huge Dance floors
Halloween Decorations
Bar + Stage + Extreme Lighting
$5 Safe Parking Area On Club Lot
Exclusive Battle Of The Dj's Promo Mix's
20 Person Security Team=NO TOLERANCE FOR DRAMA


Costumes proffered Not A Must
**No Hat's Plain T's or Masks

$200 freaky costume contest

Aim: deexjayxvision/Twanballshard/whoisyodaddy89/thawizzkidd
Call/txt:310-806-8486 or 424-222-0845

OverThought : BET Awards

cory gunz

ace hood...juelz...fabolous...jada

and i thought id never say this but...
also bow wows first verse to his performance (soulja boy sucked lol)
couldnt find a youtube vid. ...juz turn it off when soulja boy cums on lol

OverThought : Racism

These were 2 funny 2 not post


this was 2 burnt 2 pass up

check da homie kobe 2...goin 2 hard 4 that game money haha

OverThought : Movie Night

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Me...Bree...J-Tasha...Moriah...D-Blue...and sum other dude saw Saw 5 laz night...

It was great...if youve seen all the Saw lol...then yuu can see the correlation between them...but just dont go seein Saw 5...refresh your memory or somethin...but great saw stuff...

Not Scary.
But when has any saw been scary?...just interesting n nasty haha great story line...
Cant Wait 4 Saw 6

Sidebar: Support Moriah, Justin, Jojo and the others and watch BaldWIn Hillz New Season When it Hits BET...

OverHeard Oct 24

Friday, October 24, 2008

J. Holiday - The Way It Was

Juice : Andre Lauren Benjamin (Andre 3000)

Born Andre Lauren Benjamin but better known as Andre 3000 started off performing as Dre.  After Big Boi and Andre had a few rap battles they decided to team up and create the group


After graduating high school they got signed by LaFace rebel and released Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik in 1994...they been here 4 a cool minute.

By the time they had reached Stankonia they had Ms. Jackson....HITTT!!!

In 03 they released Speakerboxxx/The Love Below...which was a double album.  Andres half was The Love Below and got the most attention with its singles Hey Ya, Roses, and Prototype.

Now he has been featured in movies such as Be Cool, Four Brothers, Idlewild, and Semi Pro plus his show Class of 3000...Da homies got Juice.


Whats the Worlds Media Comin 2?

...lol okay...so i was chillin...watchin tv n i saw this commercial where 2 grown ass men were sittin in a baby carriage...talkin on their blueteeth[?] Blutooth's[?] whatever lol...and they started screamin n whinin about bein hungry...im sure you guys have seen it...lol

then i thought...wth is the media coming too...

we have been so desensitized to thing to where we stuff like this has 2 be created to really...n i mean REALLY catch our attention...

and as yuu can see...it worked because im writing to you about how creepy it was lol

...juz me overthinkin


Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Re-Up


The Re-Up is kick it spot where you get the word and chill.  
Mostly chill. 
Set up plenty of time for you to just relax and meet people. Its that alternative thing to do on friday night. Its hosted by JoJo [Block-P] and Amber and the word is givin by Kirk Franklin.
Food, Smoothies, Friend, The Word, whats better? lol


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Most of the links will be like this...you click...it takes you to a site that will let yuu first listen to the song...if yuu like it...click on the download link and its yours...OverHeard...only found hear at OverDue...CallMeFresh.blogspot.com...tell your friends to check it out.

Casey Veggie - I'm Right Here


OverHeard coming later 2day

check out OverHeard coming today which will be a mash up of new songs youve never heard and older ones you might have slept on...stay tuned

Welcome 2 OverDue

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OverDue is more than just a blog...its a community...it will have everything im interested in...which means most of what your interested in...and some new stuff to brighten your horizenz...ill try to post something Fresh as often as possible...have fun...bookmark this page

it will include Fresh music...Fresh predicaments...Fresh ideas...and much more...

post a comment on here to tell me more of what yuu would like to hear or read about...this is why its by us...and not just me...WE r gunna make the blog...(and message me to get ur page linked to at the footer of my page...)

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