OverDue: fun friends vs. those other guyz lol

Friday, November 14, 2008

what a night...went 2 bible study...after learnin a lot and during prayer i get a call from my mom...

s c r e a m i n

after class yuu shoulda called and asked if i could go 2 bible study so come home now


so i took a friend 2 bible study after class...so i had 2 drop him off at home...n im still pretty drunk in the spirit...but i start 2 drive...1 u-turn turns 2 4...numbers getting bigger when they should get smaller...freeway detours...gas gettind depleted...

n he says 2 me "man...where r yuu going..."...and i look and say..."i thought if i was going the wrong way yuu woulda said sumptin"...n he said "i thought yuu were takin me sumplace else..."...


why would i take yuu sumplace else when we both have to b home...NOW...but anywayz

i soon realized

...the experience of bein lost woulda been fun if it was with ppl that i got along with better lol

or interesting ppl

yuu kno...some ppl r fun...and im fun...so wen we get together we can turn a bad experience into a super funny insyder...

but some...

s o m e

will take an already ruined..and gas lost night...and turn it in2 hell...

thats how it was

and now im home at 1:31 a.m....typing about it

so hello bloggers...and goodnight world


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