OverDue: Black Friday Sleep...Out haha

Friday, November 28, 2008

black friday...me and 4 of thee bros (tude, swaggio, chap, a-rock) figure we would camp out of "the hundreds" because at 5 o'clock they would give 50% off...and each hour it would go down 10% till it bottoms out at 10%

so i met them at thee line...and right when they got there they said they talked to thee first dude in line...

bros: "how long yuu been waitin out here?"

dude: "since 2...pm"

bros: "how much guap yuu bring?"

dude: "guap?"

bros: "money haha"

dude: "money?...i brougt cards"

...C A R D S

then they talked 2 sum more people that said that same dude buys everything in the store lol...even if its not his size...so we figured wed leave that line lol we were kinda around the corner...seemed like a burnt mission

so we went to another store...1 that i had never been at and we sat out there...4 about 5 minutes...and tempted chap 2 let that damn store go haha

so after alot of deliberation...(active store off of 3rd street...and sum other shit) we figured wed go 2 crooks and castles...so we all whip 2 crooks...and we begin our camp out...and then what?...tude leaves?!?! yes -_- lol so we r down 2 thee 4 amigos

and we r hungry...so we say we gunna go 2 7-11...but idkay where 7-11 is...
so i start my car and turn 2 follow chap and swaggz...and CHAP IS DOING 100 MILES PER HOUR IN HIS INDIANA JONES JEEP


so we got lost lol

but we found it haha

then baq 2 the line...

now the lin ewas full of the roast...hunger...anxiousness...cold..and sleep lol

we each had different shifts in teams 2 at a time...2 would b in the car sleep and 2 would b out in the cold and we would trade off each hour...me and swaggz got thee most sleep tho haha

after all that time at 8 we got in...50% off everything...it was great! haha

and thats just the beginning...cuz i juz got home at 7 haha

stay tuneddd!

OverDue...the black friday story

P.S. sorry 4 no piks...no cam -_-


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